This is the person who needs coaching the most.

Think of all the time and energy you spend anxious, catastrophising, procrastinating, having arguments with people in your head, feeling overwhelmed or negative. That’s the time and energy you get back through coaching. 

And that’s why, if you feel overwhelmed, low on energy and time poor you need coaching.

Coaching is a life changing investment

Because it gives you:

  • More time for yourself because you learned to say NO. 
  • The ability to detach your worth from being “slammed” and creating enjoyment in ease instead.
  • Less energy wasted on anxiety. 
  • The ease that comes from decisions that are aligned with who you are. 
  • No more letting your inner critic constantly trip you up and send you back to the start.

Resilience coaching is what works

Because it creates permanent shifts in thoughts and behaviour. It’s not a short-term fix but a true lifestyle change. Because you’re altering the way you see yourself and the world forever by changing your mindset and shoring this up with habits and tools. And the whole process is directed at freeing you from time wasting, energy-sucking self-sabotage like all of the above.

Causes of low energy and lack of time you may not even have considered

  • Anxiety causes tiredness, as much as physical exertion does. It creates a hormonal rush that leaves you feeling depleted and low on energy. It is literally draining your energy the more you do it.
  • Fatigue is both a symptom of, and a cause of, procrastination. If you stopped procrastinating your energy would rise.
  • Rumination and negative thinking use up precious cognitive energy, leading to mental fatigue. Things that stop when you drop the rumination and negativity include: insomnia, low motivation and stress eating.
  • Overwhelm shuts us down completely which means we become totally inefficient and, so, even more overwhelmed. When you’re able to bring yourself out of an overwhelmed state, tasks and decisions take half the time.

Resilience coaching is an unlearning of these habitual behaviours

And while the results are incredible, none of this is rocket science 🚀. It’s just finding out what works – and then doing it. I’ve been helping people with this for years and really, that’s it. And once you’ve done it you’ll never go back to being time and energy poor again.

If you’re ready for more energy and time in your life right now then book yourself in for a free intro call with me and I’ll explain it all.

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