They just feel constantly full of self doubt, anxiety and negative about themselves and the future.
I spent decades listening to my inner critic
Not realising what it was. Just thinking that the harsh view of me and the world that it sold me was “reality.”
It made me SO anxious and so negative – and also so self-pitying. I had no idea how to stop being negative, anxious etc and I felt like a failure of a human because it made me feel like everyone else could cope and I couldn’t.
Is that how yours sounds too? I wouldn’t be surprised if you believe the harshness you hear from yourself because it does honestly feel like doing what it says is how we get to a better place.
But it’s not. The better place exists when the volume on the critic is turned aaaaall the way down.
And I promise you that’s possible. If I can do it, so can you. Even if at this moment your critic is saying “that’s not possible, don’t be naive, you’re not someone who can change like that, it will never work”
I’ve met many an inner critic over the years
And few have ever been as brutal and self-destructive as my own was.
Bring me yours and let’s get introduced.
I can’t wait to meet them.